Flood protection
Mobile flood protection from ÖKO-TEC:
Highest efficiency, cost-effective and very quick
The complete product portfolio of ÖKO-TEC is consequently in line with protection of humans, material assets and the environment.
In all product ranges we lay highest value on quality, sustainability and reliability. These values are, together with high professional competence of our staff, a priceless advantage for our customers: They get ideal solutions to convenient conditions.
ÖKO-TEC takes extensive care on the area of mobile flood protection. ÖKO-TEC definites mobile flood protection in an own way: There are no structural works necessary at the buildings which are to protect. Our mobile flood protection products can be used everywhere without structural changes. This is a big advantage.
The ÖKO-TEC double-tube-boom, the ÖKO-TEC Tube Wall-system, ÖKO-TEC dike-tubes and FLOODGATE door barriers are great tools for mobile flood protection. With this tools mobile flood protection can be proceeded efficiently and very fast with only a minimum of staff.
Floodprotection – our products
All pre-named products can also being used for holding back extinguishing water, not only mobile flood protection.
Umweltschutzsysteme GmbH
Im Krötengrund 4
63579 Freigericht-Horbach
phone: +49 6055 91560
fax: +49 6055 915620